The #1 Thing That Makes Jesus Unique

A lot of people say all religions and beliefs are pretty much the same and that they all lead to God. There are many reasons to believe that’s not true, but the #1 reason that separates Jesus from every other religious person in history is that he is alive today – and you can connect with him personally! No other religious teaching or teacher has made that claim, let alone had it proven over time in the changed lives of countless numbers of people. Only Jesus.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus was crucified, died and was buried. Eye witnesses document that on the third day God raised him from the dead – the stone closing the tomb was moved, the tomb was empty and the body was never found. Then, over a 40-day period, he appeared to his disciples and over 500 people. The New Testament was written by eyewitnesses who had seen for themselves that Jesus was truly alive and was in the flesh. And, most strikingly, Jesus’s followers, who after his death were dejected and afraid, boldly proclaimed Jesus’s resurrection and Lordship, even to the point of be willing to die horrible deaths for it themselves. To them, it was absolutely real.

Then, after 40 days of being with the disciples and many others, Jesus ascended to Heaven. [And…] as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight (Acts 1:9) Now look, I don’t know how that happened. It’s hard for me to get my head around it. But that’s the story, and I believe it. I believe it because Jesus has become real in my life; and real in countless people’s lives. He’s alive, 2000 years later! He changes people’s lives. Countless stories of lives that have been changed by Jesus are living testimony that Jesus is alive today and can be known personally by anyone who has faith enough to ask him in.

Are there things in your life you know aren’t right? Things you think you might need to reconcile with God? You can do that right now with Jesus. He’s alive and he’s listening. Just talk to him, he’ll hear you. Tell him what you’re feeling, that you’re sorry for what you’ve done, that you believe he offers redemption. Put your faith in the death he died for you and in his resurrection.

Do it today. Don’t wait. The sooner the better. Your sins will be forgiven, you’ll have peace in your soul and the absolute promise of life with him forever.


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Childlike Faith